ACT 235 and ACT 120
at Integrity Psychological Services in Monroeville, PA
1. The fee for the Act 120 Examination is $332.
2. The fee is payable by cash, credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)
3. Personal checks are not accepted.
4. Insurance does not cover Lethal Weapons Examinations as this is an occupational assessment and is not considered to be “medically necessary.”
5. Payment is due at the time of service.
6. Paying for the examination is not a guarantee of passing it. Your results, whether pass or fail, must be mailed to the address to which you are requesting your results be mailed. If you fail the examination, you will be notified by email. There is no refund in the case of a failed examination.
7. Your examination time is being specifically reserved for you. If you are unable to attend, please call as soon as possible to re-schedule your examination for another day. In the event that you fail to call to notify the examiner and fail to show up, you will be allowed to re-schedule your examination but full, non-refundable payment is due in advance of your new appointment day.
8. If you arrive so late that the examiner is unable to conduct a complete examination, you will need to be re-scheduled for another day. Please arrive on time for your appointment.